
Treating a living God as an idol?

Are we treating our ‘living’ God as an idol? It can be a question or a disappointing truth for many of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We all are well aware of the commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3). But what if we are treating the living God himself as an idol? Now you might ask, how can ‘one’, treat a living God as an idol? Well, lets look at our ‘morning prayers’. Most of us tend to thank God for all that he is doing in our lives, submit our petitions before him for the day, and we are off to work or to do something else. Now lets take a look at the ‘non-believers’ who worship the idols. They get up, pray to their idol gods, thank them for what the idol gods have ‘supposedly’ done in their lives and head off to work. Sounds similar?

The point I am trying to make is, many of us tend to treat our living God as some kind of idol who doesn’t respond to our petitions and thanks giving. Many of us don’t give our living God, a chance to have that ‘deep’ love relationship. It is ‘crucial’, if I could use that term, to pause and listen (psalms 27:14) to what God has to say to us each day. It with great regret and heavy heart, that I admit that this was the story in my life too, until God by his grace, took that blind screen off my eyes. So, I encourage you brothers & sisters, start regarding our wonderful savior, the God eternal as indeed a ‘living’ God. He cares for you, loves you and desires for you to be completely his.

“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed – not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence – continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

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And they overcame him [the devil] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11).

Our testimony is about what we have experienced – what we have seen and heard. A real Christian can talk about their experiences with God through Jesus Christ. We as Christians are called to a relationship of real communication with the Son of God. God comes to live inside of us. Things change. God deals with every person in a different way. The more Christians that come forward and talk about how God has intervened in their life, the more people will begin to realize that God is for real, miracles do happen, and prayer works.

This will inspire others to seek God and turn from their sins so that they too can know the peace and satisfaction that comes to a person who truly gives their life over to God. Acts 1:8 says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” To be a witness to Jesus is to speak and communicate the things that you have seen and heard in your life that happened because of Jesus. It’s the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus real to us, and makes Jesus real through us.

God’s plan is for people to hear the good news that Jesus Christ paid for their sins, and conquered death for us through rising from the dead. After believing, people should go on to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and then testify to others what God has done for them.

Our testimony does not have to be super dramatic or unusual to be effective. Not everyone can relate personally to a sensational testimony. If on the other hand your testimony is weak because you can’t point to a change in your life, could it be that you have not really consecrated your life to God properly?Are you trying to living with one foot in God’s Kingdom, and the other in Satan’s?

Is your heart still in love with this present age, this world system? If so, it would be a great time to decide to live for God and to get serious about it, because none of us are guaranteed a tomorrow. Perhaps your testimony is weak because you have not given attention to the wonderful truths concerning the Holy Spirit and overcoming Satan that can be found in God’s Word. God wants our testimony to be strong, so we can live unashamed before God and men, and give honor and glory to God. He wants our life to show forth His power – what He can do. And God has done absolutely amazing things for people in all kinds of trouble, who were messed up and without natural hope. Some testimonies of how God helped such people heard last Friday. It was amazing to know the marvelous works of God reveled in our dear ones lives.Sister Shoba Charles, Bro Peter Ravela, Bro Sudeep, Bro Sudeer, Bro Ravi, Bro Prabhakar and Jonah’s son testified the greatness of our God in their lives, it was heart touching and surely challenged everyone to trust in God in all situations.

If God has worked powerfully in your life, please share it so others can benefit. It will remind you of how God has worked and it will encourage others to believe in God. It may be the means by which another precious person comes to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. So do it. Begin to write down your story and share it on every last Friday of the month at the fellowship.

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Jesus Really does Love You

Every Sunday afternoon, after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and hand out Gospel Tracts.

This particular Sunday afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain.

The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, ‘OK, dad, I’m ready.’ His Pastor dad asked, ‘Ready for what?’

‘Dad, it’s time we gather our tracts together and go out.’

Dad responds, ‘Son, it’s very cold outside and it’s pouring rain.’

The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, ‘But Dad, aren’t people still going to Hell, even though it’s raining?’ Dad answers, ‘Son, I am not going out in this weather.’ Despondently, the boy asks, ‘Dad, can I go? Please?’

His father hesitated for a moment then said, ‘Son, you can go. Here are the tracts, be careful son.’ ‘Thanks Dad!’

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Amazing Love (Song)

I’m forgiven because You were forsaken,
I’m accepted, You were condemned.
I am alive and well, Your spirit is within me,
Because You died and rose again.
(Repeat x2)

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The Lord is Quick to Appreciate and Slow to Criticise

In the letter to the messenger at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1, the Lord  describes Himself as “The One who holds the seven stars in His right hand and walks among the seven churches.” The Lord is always walking in the midst of the churches, examining everything that is said and done by everyone therein, and especially by the messengers whom He holds in His hand. And He measures everything, not by the low standards that carnal Christians have, nor even by the standard of the Ten Commandments, but by the plumb line of Divine righteousness.

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Rescue Helicopter & Love Letter Toons

Our God is a God of justice, but also a God of mercy. Through the blood of Jesus, God’s mercy is available to us now. It is up to us to decide to accept it. We don’t want to be camping out in “Sin Forest” when judgment time comes.

When we show love to our neighbors, we become like a love letter to them from Jesus.

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Love Them Like Jesus – Lyrics & Video

The love of her life is drifting away
They’re losing the fight for another day
The life that she’s known is falling apart
A fatherless home, a child’s broken heart

You’re holding her hand, you’re straining for words
You trying to make – sense of it all
She’s desperate for hope, darkness clouding her view
She’s looking to you

All Inspiration Message

Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ by Adrian Rogers


Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.”


Are you ashamed to put a Bible on your desk at work? Are you ashamed to bow your head in the cafeteria? Are you ashamed to invite people to Jesus Christ? Are you ashamed of the One who died for you? A little boy had a dog, and somebody asked him what kind of dog he was. He was just a mongrel, but the little fellow said, “Well, he’s a police dog.” The friend said, “He doesn’t look like a police dog.” The little guy replied, “He’s in the secret service.” I’m afraid that there are many of us who are in the secret service. We ought to be open and bold for the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Ask God to lead you out in strength and boldness today to live for Him and proclaim His love to others.