
Evangelist Ram Babu


Watch Night Service @ Nazarene


Global Telugu Christian Conventions

Do you want to know Jesus Christ? Please click here!


Gospel Singing Night


Festival of Joy

The festival of joy took place on 21st of October 2010 and the entire congregation was blessed by Gods presence in our midst. Please join our mailing list to keep up to date with future events.


Special Meeting – Rev. Gerie Martin

Hi All,

It is a pleasure to let you know that Rev. Gerie Martin will be ministering at our home this Wednesday. She is from the Faith Community Church in West Covina, California and is known to be an anointed woman of God. She is the founder and the President of Loaves & Fishes Ministries and has addressed Women’s Aglow meetings. It will be a blessing for us to receive God’s message through this servant of God.

Please do come with your family and also feel free to invite others especially non- Christians.

Meeting starts at 7 pm and Jesus will be there.

God Bless

Cobb Samuel
“Attempt great things for God
Expect great things from God”
“There is victory in the Name of Jesus”

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Nazarene Prayer Fellowship Website (v2)

We have upgraded our site and added some new features and optimized parts of our site for optimal performance. Here are few of the things that we have been up to…

1. Designed a colorful gradient for our Website background instead of stationary and dull looking color.

2. Increased the speed of the website by using Content Delivery Network to handle any spikes in requests/sec.

3. Added a new page named “Email Newsletters” which contain a list of all the email newsletters we have sent out so far.

4. Added our physical address by using Google Maps and the contact peoples’ phone number for this fellowship.

5. Added a “site meta” menu that provides an opportunity for our website visitors to register and comment on the content we post.

6. We have added an “address” field to all our mailing list members. So kindly update your details from the link at the bottom of our newsletter each week.

7. Biggest change of all…We have shifted from our old domain “” to “” (Don’t worry all the previous links will automatically/automagically get transferred to our new domain).

If you have any feature suggestions or just casual suggestions that you would like to see us Go LIVE with, please share with us using the comment form below! 😀

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The Global Day of Prayer!

The Global day of Prayer was founded by South African businessman Graham Power in 2000. Each year, the event spread to more African countries until it spread globally in 2005. It is an ecumenical Christian event and involves 10 days of prayer before the Western Christian observance of Pentecost (beginning with Ascension Day) and 90 days of prayer after Pentecost.

The Year 2010 is the 10th Year of this event and is celebrated around the world in more than 240 Nations. So @ Nazarene Prayer Fellowship, we would like to celebrate this special day of Prayer with our dear brothers and sisters on 23 May 2010, at 6 PM in the Nazarene Church. You can view the contact information on our weekly newsletter which you can sign up using this form or from “our vision” page.