
Hold on to this promises

On Friday 17th August 2012, Pastor Paul has reminded the congregation about the fulfillment of Gods promises towards our lives. He also specified that this year he has keenly observed about the fulfillment of His wonderful promise towards him as he was lifting up the promise in his daily prayers. He disclosed some of the examples from Gen: 27:29 “May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed”. (This is his promise for this year)

He said, when God promises you something he will fulfil it. No matter what the circumstances are – Trust in the Lord and His promises. He illustrated the story of Isaac. Isaac prayed 20 years for a son as he loved Rebecca very much. Even after getting the promise of God Rebecca struggled with labor pains and she gave birth to twin boys. This was the first miracle in the world. He encouraged the congregation to wait on the Lord until He fulfills His promises. Isaac has not questioned but waited on the Lord until the given promise to be fulfilled. Through this word, he encouraged the congregation not to be disheartened with anything that this life brings on us. Take heed and do not try to go to Egypt (back sliding/nor mix with the world). He encouraged everyone to have the testimony like Isaac had.

He said all the promises are yea and amen even today because Abraham obeyed God. He was faithful in obeying God’s word. According to Gen 26:5 “Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge my commandments, my statutes and my laws”. He addressed the congregation to follow these above four things because we are his chosen people. He also said that we have to cling to His promises because He is our almighty God (He is not a man to lie).

He stated the second parable from John 2:1-11. When mother of Jesus was much concerned about the wine and she told him that they ran out of wine. Then Jesus said to his mum that his hour has not yet come. Immediately, without asking a question she told the servants to follow the instructions of Jesus. They obeyed and believed the words of Jesus, and did as he commanded them. So God gave them the best of the best. The water has changed into wine. Likewise, we need to be obedient to Gods word and be in His presence more and more. It then, he said, that our Lord changes our water into wine (Great blessings).

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Pastor Vipul’s Message – 16/09/2011

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Bro. Jonah Ravinder on 08/04/2011

Last Friday Bro. Jonah Ravinder spoke from Matthew 24 & 25. From the very beginning of 2011, the story in this world hasn’t changed much. In fact, there are more stories now than a year ago. The stories aren’t good either. There are stories of fighting for freedom, earth quake in Christchurch and japan, conflict between religious views, territories, wealth and the list goes on. Matthew 24:3-8 tells us watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” and that all things are just beginning of “birth pains”.

I am also able to see the steady decline in people’s prayer life. It is becoming a ‘challenge’ for pastors and leaders to keep the church intact. There are lots of programs being organized for people in God sanctuary but what use is it to a man if he doesn’t have a ‘true’ relationship with the Almighty God. Just as pastor Vipul has said earlier, the more time we personally spend with God, the more the fellowship grows since fellowship should be considered as a pronoun in objective form – ‘me’. You can be assured of God’s word in Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”.

He concluded from Matthew 25:1-10, we have three things in us that need satisfaction. One is satisfied with food, another that is satisfied with the things of this world (eg. drinking, smoking etc.), and the last is satisfied with the things of above (eg. spending time with Almighty God). He said, if you don’t crucify the second one (satisfaction from things of this world), it will kill the other two. This is why Paul says, “I die daily…” and this is why we need to address the temptations in the beginning, not during the period or near the end.

Matthew 25:1-10 is a bridegroom and bride story that most of us are well aware of. We can see clear separation between the wise and the foolish. There were those who carried the lamp with oil (resembling God’s presence, the spirit of God/Holy Spirit) that filled up just the framework and those who carried spare oil in case the oil wasn’t sufficient. How much oil are we carrying? Its a question for each one of us to examine ourselves. If you want to live a life full of power and anointing, crucify the flesh daily. The bridegroom’s delay is for our own advantage but remember, your delay to meet him is leading to destruction. There clearly distinction between the wise people’s words and foolish peoples words. Foolish people tend to depend on others a lot while wise tend to depend on no one and in-turn give wise advices to others around.

Do you want to know the saddest statement in the bible? Well, here it is, “verily, I say unto you, I know you not” (Matthew 25:12). Now we all know what happens in the end but the point I am trying to get to, is to help you understand the difference between wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom comes from the Lord (Psalms 111:10) but knowledge can be gained from this world. One servant of God put it this way, “Wisdom is the skill, in the art of living life under the complete dominion of God”. In other words, Wisdom is nothing but depending upon God for every decision, temptation, trials, and so on. We usually tend to go to God just for ‘big’ decisions and make the small ones using our knowledge. Having wisdom is very important in our lives, since without it, we cannot meet the bridegroom.

You see, if you don’t meet the bridegroom the first time, there is NO second time. You cannot go back, the choice you made stands true for eternity and remember your eternity has NO end. For example, there is something really interesting on TV that contradicts the word of God, but you really want to watch it. Wisdom in this case is taking the decision on whether to remain under the dominion of God’s will or to choose our own way of doing things. You can take a wise decision and abstain from it or take foolish decision to conceive sin. Job 28:28 says, “the fear of the Lord, that [is] wisdom; and to depart from evil [is] understanding” (KJV). We also know that fools despise wisdom, they are consumed up with things of this world, speak uselessly and it simply means there is very less or even NO oil left to burn your lamps.

I want to encourage you to spend time in the presence of our Almighty God, irrespective of where your job, family and children stand. It is only then we can see oil lasting long in our lamps and that we might bring forth that light that lits up every dark place. Be sure to remember that our only strength is when we are under dominion of our God. In other words, we are continuing to have him as our refuge, our shelter. When we despise the word, it is synonymous to carrying a lamp without oil. As you spend time, God will speak to you and he will pass his advice. I will assure you of that, it may be slow but surely he will do it.

Many of us talk about humility. It is one of the most centric topic around Christians these days. It is nothing but saying Lord you are strong, you can take care of me and you are the sovereign Lord over all. Its about depending on God rather than yourself. God helps those who are weak, humble, and those who submit themselves to God completely. Don’t fear about what will happen tomorrow or in days to come. Put your trust in the Lord and he will help you in the times of need. The things that we can see now are temporary, they will come and pass away.

Some people worry about the stock market due to their heavy investment but oh, how terrible it is to not be able to realise that it will soon pass away. It is like the rich mans story who has everything saved up to enjoy for the rest of his lifetime. But how foolish to not realise that his soul might be required of him anytime. The things of this world will fluctuate like the stock market but God’s word remains the same just like him.

We are able to see many things unveil right in front of our eyes. It is getting more closer to God’s return than ever before. Remember, when we have oil in our lamps, we can contain that anointing to be able to live a successful christian life. There is no such thing as “multiple options/ways” in christian walk, there is only one way and that is through walking by God’s words.

So dear brothers and sisters, “…we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

Inspiration Message

The way to A Happy New Year

In John’s gospel, Jesus used the symbol of water to describe three levels of spiritual development possible through the Holy Spirit:

• Level 1: In John 3:5, He spoke of being “born of water and the Spirit”. This is “the cup of salvation” (Psa.116:13), with which we begin our Christian lives. With this cup of water, we are cleansed and brought into God’s kingdom as His children.

• Level 2: In John 4:14, Jesus went further and spoke of that cup becoming “a well (spring) of water”. This is a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit, where all our inner longings are met by Him, so that we live in perpetual victory and joy, lacking nothing. A man who has a well in his own compound is not dependent on the city corporation’s water supply. No outsider can turn off his water supply, for he has the source of water within his own compound. This is how it is with the Christian who has found the secret of perpetual abundance in Christ. No-one outside of him can cut off his supply of joy or peace or victory (Jn.16:22).

• Level 3: In John 7:38, Jesus went still further and said that the well would now become a river, and many rivers, flowing out of the believer. This is a picture of overflowing abundance. Such a believer is able to quench the thirst of many needy people around him. Whereas a well satisfies only our own longings, rivers of living water make us a blessing to many people, wherever we go.

The blessing with which God blessed Abraham was, “I will bless you….and in you ALL THE FAMILIES of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen.12:2-3). This is the blessing that can now be ours through the Holy Spirit (Gal.3:14). When God blesses us to the point of rivers flowing out of us, many families in many parts of the country and even in the whole world can be blessed through us.

The good news of the gospel is that we can be saved from such a miserable existence. We can now have rivers of living water flowing out through us constantly, and be a blessing to every family that we meet. We can be merciful to others just as God has been merciful to us. We can release others just as God has released us. We can bless others just as God has blessed us. We can give freely to others just as God has freely given to us. We can be large-hearted to others just as God has been to us.

A.W. Tozer in his article Five Decisions For Spiritual Power says:
“If you are really serious about your spiritual development – the gaining of new joy, new power and new life – then you should make certain decisions in your heart concerning your life, and proceed to keep them.

“One decision is: Never pass on anything about anybody else that will hurt him.

“`Love covers a multitude of sins’ (1 Pet.4:8). The talebearer has no place in God’s favour. If you know something that would hinder or hurt the reputation of one of God’s children, bury it forever. Let God take care of it. `With what judgment you judge, you will be judged’ (Matt.7:2).”

If you want God to be good to you, you must be good to His children. The rules of our Father’s table demand that you don’t tell stories about others who are sitting around that same table with you, no matter what their denomination, their nationality or their background.” (From the book THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS).

It will be a good thing if all of us make that decision today – never to pass on anything about another that will hurt him or his reputation – and keep that decision, not just for the rest of this year but for the rest of our lives. Those who have lived by that decision in past years have found that when they discarded the worthless from their daily conversation, and spoke only what was edifying and profitable, God in turn, fulfilled His promise, and made them His spokesmen – His mouth (Jer.15:19).

This year – and every year – can be a happy year for all of us if we release everyone who owes us anything, or who has hurt or harmed us in any way. Bury those grudges permanently and be merciful to all men and thus make a new beginning with the Lord today.

Wish you a Happy New Year

– Zac Poonen


Bro. Jonah Ravinder on 07/10/2010

Bro. Jonah Ravinder spoke from Matt 7:21-23 “Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth will of My Father which is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord , Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? And in Thy name have cast out devils? And in Thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from Me, ye that work iniequity”. The theme of the text under consideration is without any doubt a most solemn, grave and vital message. It is essentially a warning that precludes none and that serves as an awesome reminder to search and examine oneself , particularly if he thinks he is standing in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus. These are those who assume themselves as Christians and profess to be and take it for granted that they are so. Yet our Scripture text exposes their true character and divulges that in actual fact their nature and their works reveal otherwise; indeed they are contrary to what they profess. Hence thier profession is merely a delusion and they deceive themselves and perhaps, many other but certainly not God. They are judged to be workers of inequity.

It is clear from the text that our works, no matter how pious or religious or charitable they may be, cannot secure us the salvation of God. Consider what our Lord says here, that many are those who will be baffled and astonished at His disapproval and rejection of them on that Day. Wherefore, comparatively, a majority of those who now say that they embrace Christianity never meet the approbation of our Lord. They will be judged and manifested to be hypocrites, whose confession of faith is inconsistent and incongruous to their lives. Therefore only a few , a very small remnant will be proven to be faithful and genuine in their faith. There will indeed be many surprises on that Day but the most momentous, nerve -racking moment would be the inevitable turn when each one of us has to face the Lord Himself for the verdict. How shall it be with you then, my friends?. I beg you to be honest and objective and to beseech God to help you to search yourselves. My friends, do not defer nor procrastinate in repenting and turning to God from your idols to serve the living God.

Audio Message Multimedia

Santification | Part Four | Rev. Vipul Kharat

Part One | Part Two

Pastor spoke from Rev 2:1-5 about the Church in Ephesus, which had immaculate doctrine, yet had forsaken their first love. The priority of God, is love. God doesn’t want to hurt our pride, he wants to kill it. He challenged to offer our lives as living sacrifice to God.


Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored.
Numbers 13:30-32 (NIV)

Attitudes can change everything. You know the story. Moses sent spies into the promise land to see what it was like. All twelve men saw the same thing but came back with different conclusions. Two saw possibilities born out of faith and hope in God’s love and power. The others saw defeat, death, dying and doom. The people believed the second story. Why is that? Why can we believe the death, dying and doom story so much easier than the land of milk and honey? What is it that keeps us from believing in the goodness of God? We don’t doubt whether He can do good, we doubt whether He wants to. Dallas Willard in his book Hearing God shares why even the miracles of Jesus could not convince some people of His love and Lordship. Willard writes, “Our preexisting ideas and assumptions are precisely what determine what we can see, hear or otherwise observe.” You see Caleb’s report could not change what the people already believed in their heart. They did not believe that God loved them. Deep in there heart they believed they were better off taking care of themselves. What do you believe? Seeing a miracle won’t change it. A good report won’t change that deep down doubt. Only repentance and a relationship can. Repent of unbelief, doubt and fear and then spend time with God. Don’t quit; every day get to know Him until you sense His concern and His deep passion and love for you. Come to Him today, ask Him to show you His love. He will. The promise land is waiting. – Ronald

All Inspiration

Be an Encourager by Adrian Rogers


2 Corinthians 1:3-4 – “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”